Our Admissions Procedure
To ensure high quality learning in small classes, the number of students per class is recommended to be 24. Where the
demand for placement exceeds the 24 available places, a waiting list has been introduced.
Admissions Procedure:
Formal application to the PSS must be made via our Application Form.
After submission of the application, parents/legal guardians will be informed if there is still a vacancy in the applicable grade. Should the class be full this will be communicated to the parent/legal guardian and, upon request, the child will be placed on a waiting list.
Upon invitation of the School Director, the child will be asked to take a school readiness or an entry test to determine if he/she meets the academic requirements as applicable to the PSS or to identify areas to be remedied.
The application together with the outcome of the school readiness or entry test will be presented to the School Management and a formal decision for admission to PSS will be taken.
The School Office will formally communicate the School’s Management's decision to the parents/legal guardians.
Admission to the PSS will be communicated in writing after all formalities including financial and legal obligations, have been met.
Written Notice Period:
A minimum of two months' notice period before the end of the calendar year is required for cancellations of registrations for all students leaving the school.
Bring or send your form to the following address: secretary@pss.com.na or
8 Kühnast Street, Swakopmund
We shall process your admission and update you with our final decision after receiving all documentation.